Jaw-dropping entertainment to make your adult party unforgettable!


“Simply incredible!”

Susan Keen


Ranked 1st out of 299 UK Magicians



Hosts are worried their party will fall flat

wow your guests with a magician


I provide OMG moments to kickstart any party!

party icon

The result

You can relax and enjoy the party of the year!

party entertainment for adults near me

“We saw Chris at a party and immediately booked him for our wedding. Highly recommended!”

-Leanne & Mark

Close-Up Chris

Avoid a dull party…

Make it Unforgettable

Hire a Magician to Make Your Party Unforgettable!


You want a great party but how do you ensure your guests have a great time?

Give them something to shout about, amazing talking points, thrills and spills!


Close-up magic is a bullet-proof way to ensure your party is Unforgettable


Ideal for:

Hiring a Close-Up Party Magician for your party allows you to mix and mingle with your guests and spend more time being the host or hostess with the mostess.


This leaves me to surreptitiously steal your guest’s thoughts, watches and wallets!


Please note: because I’m such a thoroughly nice chap, all personal items will be returned, no questions asked!


Your party will truly be remembered for having a great atmosphere, talking points, fun and OMG moments!


So if you’re a party animal looking for an unforgettable shindig it’s advisable to hire a professional party magician!

3 Great Ways to Impress your Party Guests

magicians for hire

The Ice-breaker

Let's get this party started with some outrageous magic. I'll mix and mingle with your guests & kick-start the evening.


The Close-Up Corner

Provide a unique theatre-like experience. Your guests won't know what's hit them!


The Room of Mystery

The BEST way to surprise your guests.

9 Ways Magic will turn your party into a Stunning Success

wedding magicians

A close-up magician is a fantastic ice breaker for your party


Amazing reactions-guaranteed! Check out all the reviews


Perfect pre-dinner drink entertainment to kick start your party

Room of Mystery

Having a house party? Ask about the Room of Mystery!


A unique and memorable form of party entertainment

wedding magicians

Create fantastic reactions for your photographer to capture!

sleight of hand magician

20 years of professional experience, you’re in good hands!

wedding magicians for hire

Ranked 1st of UK magician by independent review site Freeindex

magicians for hire

An industry expert with magic so cosmopolitan you could sip it from a martini glass!




Jaws Dropped


Watches Stolen


Ace of Spades Found

magician near me

“Chris was a huge hit at my husband’s Christmas party. He was truly amazing!”

-Penny Stowe



corporate magic


Hi, I’m Chris, a magician, sensational socialiser and (unofficially) the world’s tallest magician, but don’t let that sway you.


Magic is truly one of the best forms of entertainment to get your guests interacting and having fun. Think of me as the ultimate party guest!


Whilst the string quartet may be music to your ears (I’m good at puns, too) and the caricaturist is a treat to look at – magic brings groups of people together, gets them laughing and having a good time, ensuring that they are talking about your event for years to come (making YOU the best party planner in all the land)!


I have been professionally entertaining with astounding magic for over two decades (I performed my first magic show aged 8) and have since perfected the art of making someone laugh whilst surreptitiously stealing their thoughts, wallet and watch – which let me tell you is no mean feat! Hiring me makes for bulletproof birthday party success, so allow this card-toting magic aficionado to wow each and every one of your guests – not a cowboy in sight!


If you’re on the hunt to find magicians, a mind reader or a comedy illusionist worthy of your wedding, important milestone, private party, business, corporate event, or team-building event, check out this handy guide to hiring entertainers

Avoid the awkward social interactions


My combination of illusion and humour is the perfect way to take the focus off of any awkward social interactions and onto the fun. And, unlike some other forms of entertainment, my act is suitable for all ages but in particular, adults who appreciate a more sophisticated style of humour.


Close-Up magicians are ideal for small parties, house warmings, and Christmas parties. Basically, any event where adults are looking to have a great time! No kids? Perfect – let me entertain your friends with some of my quick wit, mind illusions and kick-ass card tricks with a hint of risque.


Let’s cause a riot!


Mixing comedy magic with mind reading, daft tricks and a vast array of big lols let’s make your occasion one to remember.

These aren’t your Uncle Charlie magic tricks though. We’re talking modern magic so cosmopolitan, you could sip it from a martini glass!

Ready to be the best party host?


Are you looking for a way to really wow your guests at your next party? Hiring a close-up magician is the perfect way to make sure that everyone has a good time.


The best magicians are those who can really engage with their audience and create unforgettable moments. I am one of the best magicians in the business, and I will make sure that your guests are entertained from start to finish.


So if you want to be the best party host around, hire me and let me take care of the entertainment. You just focus on looking fabulous!


Because small talk ain’t easy


Are you tired of making small talk at parties? Do you find yourself always running out of things to say to your guests?


If so, then you should consider hiring a close-up magician for your next party. A magician can provide entertainment for your guests and help to break the ice. They can perform tricks that will amaze and amuse your guests, and they can also provide a much-needed distraction from the awkwardness of small talk.


So if you’re looking for a way to make your next party more enjoyable, then hiring a funny entertainer is a great option.


close up party magician


When you’re Googling “magicians near me,” you’re probably expecting someone who can perform a quick trick, take a bow, and then disappear faster than you can say “abracadabra.” But that’s not how I roll. My performances aren’t fast food, they’re more like a five-course meal at a fancy restaurant. And just like a good chef, I don’t rush the cooking.

The duration of my act? It’s not dictated by the relentless march of time but by the number of guests and the overall tempo of your event. Imagine it as a dance, where I’m trying to match the rhythm of the room, rather than the ticking of a clock.

And hey, if you’re worried about your bank balance shrinking faster than my chances of winning a Grammy, take a breath. My fee isn’t calculated by the minute. I’ll be there, doing my thing, until the vibe feels spot on.

So, when you’re searching “magicians near me” and wondering how long you’re signing up for, consider this: On average, my performances tend to last around two hours. But remember, in the realm of magic, time isn’t always what it seems. It can be as changeable as a chameleon in a bag of Skittles. So sit back, relax, and let’s embark on this magical journey together, shall we?



You hate magicians? Join the club, we meet every Tuesday and yes, there are snacks.

Allow me to paint a picture: You’re at a Christmas party, a magician steps up, and suddenly you’re thrust into a world of tired card tricks and rabbits being yanked out of hats. It’s akin to watching a rerun of a show you never liked in the first place. Thrilling, isn’t it?

Now, let’s talk about my approach. I’ve taken the road less travelled, where magic isn’t the main dish but rather the garnish on top of a hearty meal of fun and humour. My act is more like attending a stand-up comedy show, where the punchlines just happen to be accompanied by a dash of the extraordinary.

So, if you’re dreading another round of “pick a card, any card,” fear not. When you’re looking for “magicians near me,” remember that my brand of magic is about putting a smile on your face, with the tricks being a delightful bonus. And who knows? You might even start to like magicians – well, at least one.


Well, when it comes to the flavour of magic I serve up, think of it as a buffet where you load your plate with all your favourite dishes. And just like a good buffet, there’s a little bit of everything.

Close-up magic? Check. I’ll dazzle you with tricks that happen right under your nose and yet are as elusive as a politician’s promise. Mind reading? Absolutely. I’ll delve into your thoughts so gently, you won’t even notice I’ve redecorated. And let’s not forget a dash of pickpocketing. But don’t worry, I promise to return everything… eventually.

With me, you’re not just getting a magician. You’re getting a veritable smorgasbord of magical entertainment. It’s the full shebang, from soup to nuts. Or should I say, from cards to coins?

And speaking of everyday items, I do love to incorporate those into my act. Cards, coins, and yes, even that bedside rope you thought was just for tying up the curtains. I’ll transform them into tools of wonder, crafting magic so cosmopolitan, you’ll feel like you’re sipping it from a martini glass.

So, what kind of magic do I do? Interactive magic with plenty of audience participation. The kind that leaves you shaking your head, chuckling at the absurdity of it all, and secretly wondering if maybe, just maybe, magic really does exist. Cheers to that!


Ah, the age-old question – when exactly is the prime time to hire a party magician? Well, my friend, let’s dissect this conundrum with the precision of a surgeon… or at least a butcher on a good day.

You see, a professional magician – that’s me, in case you were wondering – is like the appetiser at your fancy dinner party. We’re best served up at the start of the evening before your guests have had too many glasses of that suspiciously cheap wine you bought in bulk.

Why, you ask? Well, not only do we possess the uncanny ability to break the ice faster than a polar bear on a pogo stick, but we also provide a welcome distraction from the inevitable small talk. You know, the “Oh, what do you do?” and “How do you know the host?” type of chatter that makes people wish they’d stayed home to sort their sock drawer.

Now, as the night progresses and more drinks are consumed, the need for a magician tends to diminish. This isn’t because we become any less entertaining – quite the opposite, in fact. It’s just that after a few cocktails, everyone starts thinking they’re a magician. And let’s face it, there’s nothing quite as entertaining as watching Uncle Bob trying to pull a rabbit out of a ladies’ handbag…

Plus, by this time, the DJ is usually cranking up his music in a desperate bid to lure more than two people onto the dancefloor. And while I can pull many things out of thin air, competing with a thumping bassline isn’t one of them.

So, to sum up, the best time to hire a party magician? Early evening, my friend. We’ll kick things off with a bang, leaving you free to sit back, relax, and enjoy the spectacle of your guests attempting to perform magic tricks after one too many margaritas.


Why book me? That’s like asking why put chocolate on a sundae or why bring a corkscrew to a wine tasting. It simply makes things better!

Look, I get it. You’ve seen all the other magicians with their fancy Magic Circle handshakes and more awards than a prize pig at the county fair. But something’s missing, right? They’ve got all the personality of a damp sponge and the twinkle in their eye is more like a 40-watt bulb on its last legs.

I mean, let’s be real here. We all know the magic isn’t real (spoiler alert!). So, why are we pretending it is? Why not focus on what really matters – making sure your guests have an absolute blast? That’s where I come in.

With me, you’re not just getting a magician. You’re getting an entertainer, a party starter, a one-man fun factory. I’m here to take your guests by the hand (not literally, don’t worry) and lead them down a rabbit hole of laughter, fun, and good times. At the end of the night, they’ll be patting you on the back, praising your party-planning prowess.

And if that’s not enough to convince you, let me drop some facts. I’ve got more years of experience than there are cat videos on the internet and a stack of 5-star reviews taller than a giraffe on stilts. As for the Magic Circle? Forget about it. In my world, I AM the Magic Circle. I’m the sun, the moon, and all the stars in between. Everything revolves around me, you and your party!

So, why book me? Well, why wouldn’t you? Unless, of course, you prefer your parties to be as exciting as watching paint dry. But hey, no judgment here!


Ah, the age-old question: why are you so expensive? I get it. In a world where you can get a coffee for a dollar and a movie ticket for less than ten, I might seem like a luxury yacht in a sea of rubber dinghies. But let me tell you something:

Yes, I am expensive. And you know what? I’m worth every penny.

Why, you ask? Well, sit down and strap in because it’s story time. I’ve been around the block a few times. I’ve been up, down, and everywhere in between. I’ve made mistakes, learned lessons, and yes, even metaphorically died a few times (don’t worry, I always come back).

But all those ups and downs, all those trials and tribulations, they’ve taught me a thing or two. They’ve honed my skills, sharpened my wit, and turned me into the magician I am today. And let me tell you, there are levels to this magic game.

You see, anyone can learn a few card tricks. But to truly astonish, to leave an audience speechless with wonder, that takes more than just a few cheap tricks. It takes years of experience, a dash of creativity, and a whole lot of heart.

And that, my friend, is why I’m worth the price tag. Because when you book me, you’re not just getting a magician. You’re getting a seasoned pro who knows how to wow a crowd, a master of illusion who can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary, and a performer who can bring a touch of magic to your birthday party.

So yes, I am expensive. But believe me, when you see the looks on your guests’ faces (and just how handsome I am in the flesh), you’ll realise it’s worth every penny.


Ready to book for your special occasion? Sensible choice. Here’s how we do it:

1. Check availability: Like your favourite Saturday night restaurant, I can get booked up pretty quickly. So the first step is to check if I’m available for your desired date. Don’t worry, I won’t leave you hanging for days. I reply fast. Faster than a badger on a bypass.

2. Complete the online booking form: Once we’ve established that our calendars are in harmony, it’s time to complete the online booking form. It’s as simple as pie, or pi if you’re into mathematics.

3. See you at the party: Once you’ve done your part, all that’s left is for me to do mine. Sit back, relax, and put on your party hat in preparation for an unforgettable party.

table magician

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